Vice Principal's

“Praise be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus”

Dear Students,

Experiencing is learning. Learning means innocence, openness and receptivity. It is being responsive to whatever is around us. There is a gulf of difference between teaching and learning. Teaching is direct and learning is indirect. When the moon is pointed with index finger one needs to leave the finger and go beyond to see the moon. If you get struck to the finger you have not learned anything. It is the articulation of one’s ability to do things better in a given situation and which happens through heart. You are not a robot to move on commands. Every moment brings a new learning, a new lesson in life. But how far we benefit from it? Most of us are under the illusion that I know quite a bit. I don’t need to know anything new. Today’s world has no scarcity of machines which can be instructed at every step of action. But the emerging world of today needs people with creativity, enthusiasm, receptivity and openness reflecting in every moment of life. Because learning is experiencing and experiencing is life.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus bless you all.

Sr. Ancy Joseph S.H

Vice Principal
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